Clinicians Connect Blog- Mary Reagan-Vorasorn
Mary E. Reagan-Vorasorn, M.A.,
Student Program Coordinator
1.What influenced your decision to become a therapist?
“I was in college when I decided to study psychology after taking a year of physics! I then began teaching DUI classes in Spanish two days after graduating from Lake Forest College being one of the few Spanish speaking Psychology majors in my graduating class. A classmate was offered a job from an internship which she declined and instead of returning to Ohio, I stayed in Illinois. Thus began my career in addiction and mental health. ”
2.What did you do prior to your current role?
“Prior to working at Riverwalk Counseling Center, I had worked as a case manager at MacNeal Hospital in the Behavioral Health Outpatient program. Then after having children, I decided to try private practice. I contacted my former supervisor, Char Scott who was forming her practice and have thoroughly enjoyed this part of my journey in this profession.”
3.In what ways do you engage in self-care, including hobbies and leisure activities?
“I like to hang out with my children nowadays. There’s nothing like a rousing game of Uno or a read-in to end the day. ”
4.What is a fun fact about you?
“I met my husband at swing dance lessons! He is an awesome dancer though we don’t cut a rug nearly enough lately.”