August Clinicians Connect
As a way to get to know the staff at Riverwalk at little better, we will be featuring a different clinician each month and talking about them. This month’s Clinician Connect is:
Dan Novak, Intensive Outpatient Coordinator

Dan began his internship at Riverwalk Counseling Center in May of 2018 while completing his Master’s of Clinical Psychology degree at Benedictine University. Coming on board as a clinician after completing his internship, he continued to grow his passion for the field of counseling and is very motivated to help his clients by going the extra mile to meet their needs. He is eager to meet every challenge that meets him and takes great pride in his work.
1. What influenced you to become a therapist?
“I became interested in helping others when I was a child. I grew up with an older brother who has special needs, and at a very young age quickly realized how poorly the world sometimes treats those of us who are different. My desire to advocate for, help, and protect him lead me down a path of eventually becoming a therapist.”
2. What did you do prior to your current role?
“I spent almost 19 years in the business world, but always believed there was something else out there for me. When my dad died of cancer in 2013, I decided to leave the business world and go back to college and pursue the career I always wanted as a child. I competed my bachelors is Psychology in 2016, my master’s in clinical psychology in 2019, and began working as a therapist in June of 2019.”
3. In what ways do you engage in self-care, including hobbies and leisure activities?
“Self-care is something everyone should engage in. I love sports, spending time outside, and hanging out with family and friends. One of my favorite hobbies, playing golf, combines these all three of activities and allows me to clear my mind for 4-5 hours. Laughter is another self-care activity I love to engage in. Whether it’s quoting a funny movie, telling a bad joke, or sharing a funny story. I truly believe laughter can often be the best medicine.”
4. What is a fun fact about you?
“I was ranked 19th in the state of Illinois in men’s one-meter springboard diving my senior year of high school.”